export data to a txt file

hossein lotfi h.meteo.shirazu at GMAIL.COM
Wed Nov 4 21:12:41 EST 2009

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 5:15 PM, Charles Seman <Charles.Seman at noaa.gov>wrote:

> Hossein,
> Please find attached a "printascii.gs" script from Prince K. Xavier
> <xavier at CAOS.IISC.ERNET.IN>
> Hope it helps,
> Chuck
> hossein lotfi wrote:
>> Hi All grads user
>> I have a file contain vorticity variable,I want save It's data to
>> a txt file
>> I have fprintf.gs <http://fprintf.gs> script file to do this,but it
>> can't save vorticity, latitude,longitude to one txt file.
>> Any suggestion will be appreciated,
>> thanks
> --
> Please note that Charles.Seman at noaa.gov should be considered my NOAA
> email address, not cjs at gfdl.noaa.gov.
> ********************************************************************
> Charles Seman                                Charles.Seman at noaa.gov
> U.S. Department of Commerce / NOAA / OAR
> Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory         voice: (609) 452-6547
> 201 Forrestal Road                              fax: (609) 987-5063
> Princeton, NJ  08540-6649            http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/~cjs/
> ********************************************************************
> "The contents of this message are mine personally and do not necessarily
> reflect any position of the Government or NOAA."
> * To generate ascii data from grads to use in applications like IGOR PRO
> *
> * Prince XAVIER (17 Nov 2004, LMD, Paris)
> *
> function printascii(args)
> if(args='')
> say ''
> say 'No arguments found.'
> say ''
> say 'Syntax is '
> say '----------------------------------'
> say 'printascii filename variable [z t]'
> say '----------------------------------'
> say ''
> say 'z(or Z) and t(or T) may be switched on in case of 3 or 4 dimension
> data.'
> say 'If not switched on, no information on level and time will be printed.'
> say ''
> say 'Examples:'
> say 'ga-> printascii rain.ascii rain'
> say 'ga-> printascii rain.ascii rain z'
> say 'ga-> printascii rain.ascii rain t'
> say 'ga-> printascii rain.ascii rain z t'
> say ''
> say ''
> return
> endif
> _fname = subwrd(args,1)
> _var = subwrd(args,2)
> arg3 = subwrd(args,3)
> arg4 = subwrd(args,4)
> say ''
> zflag = 0
> tflag = 0
> if(arg3=z|arg3=Z)
> say 'Level information requested.'
> zflag = 1
> endif
> if(arg3=t|arg3=T)
> say 'Time information requested.'
> tflag = 1
> endif
> if(arg4=z|arg4=Z)
> say 'Level information requested.'
> zflag = 1
> endif
> if(arg4=t|arg4=T)
> say 'Time information requested.'
> tflag = 1
> endif
> gxstat()
> *say _xs' '_xe' '_ys' '_ye' '_zs' '_ze' '_ts' '_te
> 'set x ' _xs' '_xe
> 'set y ' _ys' '_ye
> gxstat()
> if((_xe-_xs)=0)
> _lonint = 1
> else
> _lonint = (_lone-_lons)/(_xe-_xs)
> endif
> if((_ye-_ys)=0)
> _latint = 1
> else
> _latint = (_late-_lats)/(_ye-_ys)
> endif
> *say _lonint' '_latint
> _tint = 1
> _zint = 1
> _yint = 1
> _xint = 1
> _tt = 1
> while(_tt<=_te)
> 'set t '_tt
>  _zz = 1
>  while(_zz<=_ze)
>  'set z '_zz
>   _yy = 1
>   while(_yy<=_ye)
>   'set y '_yy
>    _xx = 1
>    while(_xx<=_xe)
>    'set x ' _xx
>    'd '_var
>    val = subwrd(result,4)
> *    say val
>     'query dims'
>      dum = sublin(result,2)
>      alon = subwrd(dum,6)
>      dum = sublin(result,3)
>      alat = subwrd(dum,6)
>      dum = sublin(result,4)
>      alev = subwrd(dum,6)
>      dum = sublin(result,5)
>      atim = subwrd(dum,6)
>       if (zflag = 1 & tflag = 1)
>        rc = write(_fname, atim' 'alev' 'alon' 'alat' 'val)
> *        say atim' 'alev' 'alon' 'alat' 'val
>       endif
>       if (zflag = 0 & tflag = 1)
>        rc = write(_fname, atim' 'alon' 'alat' 'val)
> *        say atim' 'alon' 'alat' 'val
>       endif
>       if (zflag = 1 & tflag = 0)
>        rc = write(_fname, alev' 'alon' 'alat' 'val)
> *        say alev' 'alon' 'alat' 'val
>        endif
>       if (zflag = 0 & tflag = 0)
>        rc = write(_fname, alon' 'alat' 'val)
> *        say alon' 'alat' 'val
>       endif
>    _xx = _xx + _xint
>    endwhile
>   _yy = _yy + _yint
>   endwhile
>  _zz = _zz + _zint
>  endwhile
> _tt = _tt + _tint
> endwhile
> say 'ASCII output written to '_fname'.'
> say ' '
> rc = close(_fname)
> return
> function gxstat()
> 'q dims'
> dinf = result
> lx = sublin(dinf,2)
> ly = sublin(dinf,3)
> lz = sublin(dinf,4)
> lt = sublin(dinf,5)
> if ( subwrd(lx,7) = 'to')
>  _lons = subwrd(lx,6)
>  _lone = subwrd(lx,8)
>  _xs = subwrd(lx,11)
>  _xe = subwrd(lx,13)
>  _xs = math_int(_xs)
>  _xe = math_int(_xe)
> else
>  _lons = subwrd(lx,6)
>  _lone = subwrd(lx,6)
>  _xs = subwrd(lx,9)
>  _xe = subwrd(lx,9)
>  _xs = math_int(_xs)
>  _xe = math_int(_xe)
> endif
> if ( subwrd(ly,7) = 'to')
>  _lats = subwrd(ly,6)
>  _late = subwrd(ly,8)
>  _ys = subwrd(ly,11)
>  _ye = subwrd(ly,13)
>  _ys = math_int(_ys)
>  _ye = math_int(_ye)
> else
>  _lats = subwrd(ly,6)
>  _late = subwrd(ly,6)
>  _ys = subwrd(ly,9)
>  _ye = subwrd(ly,9)
>  _ys = math_int(_ys)
>  _ye = math_int(_ye)
> endif
> if ( subwrd(lz,7) = 'to')
>  _levs = subwrd(lz,6)
>  _leve = subwrd(lz,8)
>  _zs = subwrd(lz,11)
>  _ze = subwrd(lz,13)
> else
>  _levs = subwrd(lz,6)
>  _leve = subwrd(lz,6)
>  _zs = subwrd(lz,9)
>  _ze = subwrd(lz,9)
> endif
> if ( subwrd(lt,7) = 'to')
>  _tims = subwrd(lt,6)
>  _time = subwrd(lt,8)
>  _ts = subwrd(lt,11)
>  _te = subwrd(lt,13)
> else
>  _tims = subwrd(lt,6)
>  _time = subwrd(lt,6)
>  _ts = subwrd(lt,9)
>  _te = subwrd(lt,9)
> endif
> return
thank you for your help
but can we change the command of printascii.gs file to write the  latitude,
longitude and other variable such below?
     lon  lon lon lon lon lon
  lat ps   ps  ps  ps  ps  ps
  lat ps   ps  ps  . . . . . . .
  lat . . . . . . . . . . . .
  thanks alot [?]
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