how read grib files with PcGrads

Javier Peña javier.p at EREDA.COM
Wed Nov 4 11:52:44 EST 2009

Hello everyone,

I'm working with Pcgrads in the operating system Windows XP. I have a. Grib
that contains multiple variables in a certain range of latitude, longitude
for a period of 20 years with data every 6 hours.
My question is, how can I read this file with Pcgrads?
Thank you very much:

Javier Peña

Javier Peña Álvarez
Energías Renovables
javier.p at

                           Tel:  +34 91 5014755
                           Fax: +34 91 5014756
                 c/ Téllez 26, 28007 MADRID
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