Ask for help

liuzf406 liuzf406 at 126.COM
Tue Nov 3 13:11:48 EST 2009

Good afternoon everyone,

I need to calculate the moisture flux and the moisture divergence of 1992 summer over the continental United States. The gs file I wrote is as following, but I am not sure if it is right, so anyone can look at this file and give me some comments? In addition, attached are the calculated result using this file.
The gs file are:
'set grid off'
'set grads off'
'set poli on'
'set parea 1 10 1 8'
'enable print sum_1992.gmf'
'set lat 24.99 50.1'
'set xlint 10'
'set lon -130.01 -69.99'
'set ylint 10'
'set cint 20'
'set t 1 600'
'set font 0'
'set ccols 9 14 4 11 5 13 3 10 7 12 8 2 6'
'set mpdset cnworld mres'
'set map 1 1 1'
'draw map'
'set gxout shaded'
'set ylopts 1 4 0.18'
'set xlopts 1 4 0.18'
'set cthick 5'
'define m=shum.1*uwnd.2'
'define n=shum.1*vwnd.3'
'define qu=vint(pres.4(z=1),m,700)/1000'
'define qusum=ave(qu,t=534,t=536)'
'define qv=vint(pres.4(z=1),n,700)/1000'
'define qvsum=ave(qv,t=534,t=536)'
'set t 6'
'set gxout shaded'
'd qusum;qvsum'
'd hdivg(qusum,qvsum)'
'set gxout vector'
'set ccolor 1'
'run cbar'
'd qusum;qvsum'
*'set cint 20'
'draw string 1.9 7 Moisture transport'
'draw string 9.5 7 JJA-1992'
'disable print'

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated, and thank you for your time.

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