Fwd: FW: New release: Bundle v2.0.a5.oga.5 (mfhilo not working as expected with CL option)

Michael Fiorino Michael.Fiorino at NOAA.GOV
Tue May 26 14:33:29 EDT 2009

hi tom,

i did not see this on the gradsusr...  thanks for the bug report.

in the second example:

mfhilo slp CL A|B 500 100

failed because you used 'CL' vice 'cl' -- this is a bug that i've fixed...

i also discovered some other bugs with the ncep routines...  so the
radinf (500) and cintinf(100) should also work...

arlindo, i have some cvs issues but want to update extensions/mf

best /r mike

Arlindo da Silva wrote:
> Tom,
>     I haven't seen this message before. I'm forwarding it to Mike.
>               Arlindo
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *Petroski, Tom (MLCI)* <Tom_Petroski at ml.com
> <mailto:Tom_Petroski at ml.com>>
> Date: Tue, May 26, 2009 at 11:43 AM
> Subject: FW: New release: Bundle v2.0.a5.oga.5 (mfhilo not working as
> expected with CL option)
> To: dasilva at alum.mit.edu <mailto:dasilva at alum.mit.edu>
> Hi Arlindo,
> Sorry to bother you at this email address, but I sent the following
> email to the GRADSUSR list twice, but I am not sure if any one
> received it??  Neither my coworker nor I have received it via the
> list.  Have you received it?  If you have received it via the list,
> then I don’t want to send it a third time.
> Thank You,
> Tom
> _____________________________
> Thomas J. Petroski
> Merrill Lynch Commodities, Inc.
> 20 E. Greenway Plaza, Suite 700
> Houston, TX 77046
> Direct: 713-544-4214
> Fax: 713-544-7931
> Mobile: 713-679-8723
> tom_petroski at ml.com <mailto:tom_petroski at ml.com>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Petroski, Tom (MLCI)
> *Sent:* Friday, May 22, 2009 1:44 PM
> *Subject:* FW: New release: Bundle v2.0.a5.oga.5 (mfhilo not working
> as expected with CL option)
> Dear GrADS Users,
> I apologize if you all have seen this twice, but not sure if it made
> it through the first time when I sent it yesterday.
> Thank You,
> Tom Petroski
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Petroski, Tom (MLCI)
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 21, 2009 11:53 AM
> *Subject:* RE: New release: Bundle v2.0.a5.oga.5
> Dear All,
> I am having some difficulty using mfhilo.   I am using the
> v2.0.a5.oga.5 x86_64 binaries.  I am following the guidance in
> http://opengrads.org/doc/udxt/libmf/.
> I am using 2.5 degree GFS grib2 data downloaded from NCEP.
> ga-> define slp = PRMSLmsl/100
> ga-> mfhilo slp GR A|B m 50
> mfhilo GR method N: 7  maxmin: 0  pcntile:     50  latc:  20.00 lonc:
> 280.00
> H    18.71  262.99  M:    1014.67  G:  100.0  L:  100.0  D:  965.77
> GV:     5.4314  LV:    7.14837
> H    10.26  277.74  M:    1010.05  G:   13.7  L:   52.1  D:  598.79
> GV:   0.743396  LV:    3.72741
> L    24.90  274.21  M:    1006.33  G:   66.8  L:   83.3  D:  435.50
> GV:    1.96315  LV:    5.61837
> L     8.49  272.11  M:    1007.34  G:   14.4  L:   10.8  D:  828.76
> GV:   0.422068  LV:   0.726056
> L    10.80  284.27  M:    1007.82  G:   46.4  L:   32.2  D:  604.83
> GV:    1.36231  LV:    2.16917
> L     8.39  294.74  M:    1008.11  G:  100.0  L:   64.3  D:  1103.05
> GV:    2.93739  LV:    4.33709
> L    14.06  259.68  M:    1008.72  G:   70.6  L:   42.8  D:  1218.04
> GV:    2.07464  LV:    2.88997
> ga-> mfhilo slp CL A|B 500 100
> EEE invalid sortby: 5
>  sortby= 'm' (mag or value of extrema) | 'g' (gradient) | 'l'
> (laplacian) | 'd' (distance [deg])
> ga-> mfhilo slp CL
> mfhilo GR method N: 11  maxmin: 0  pcntile:      0  latc:  20.00
> lonc:  280.00
> H    18.71  262.99  M:    1014.67  G:  100.0  L:  100.0  D:  965.77
> GV:     5.4314  LV:    7.14837
> H    10.26  277.74  M:    1010.05  G:   13.7  L:   52.1  D:  598.79
> GV:   0.743396  LV:    3.72741
> H    13.65  261.86  M:    1009.04  G:   21.7  L:   23.1  D:  1107.96
> GV:    1.18012  LV:    1.65209
> H     7.83  261.05  M:    1008.75  G:   12.0  L:   15.5  D:  1320.93
> GV:   0.650961  LV:    1.11012
> L    24.90  274.21  M:    1006.33  G:   66.8  L:   83.3  D:  435.50
> GV:    1.96315  LV:    5.61837
> L     8.49  272.11  M:    1007.34  G:   14.4  L:   10.8  D:  828.76
> GV:   0.422068  LV:   0.726056
> L    10.80  284.27  M:    1007.82  G:   46.4  L:   32.2  D:  604.83
> GV:    1.36231  LV:    2.16917
> L     8.39  294.74  M:    1008.11  G:  100.0  L:   64.3  D:  1103.05
> GV:    2.93739  LV:    4.33709
> L    14.06  259.68  M:    1008.72  G:   70.6  L:   42.8  D:  1218.04
> GV:    2.07464  LV:    2.88997
> L    24.83  257.36  M:     1009.5  G:   28.6  L:  100.0  D:  1287.09
> GV:   0.840842  LV:    6.74594
> L    18.67  271.83  M:    1009.56  G:   57.0  L:   27.8  D:  469.40
> GV:     1.6739  LV:    1.87257
> In the first example, I get a result.  In the second example, I
> followed the guidance, but no luck.  In the third example, I specified
> just CL, but output says I am using the “mfhilo GR method”.
> Does any one know the correct syntax?
> Thank You,
> Thomas J. Petroski
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Behalf Of *Arlindo da Silva
> *Sent:* Monday, May 11, 2009 8:28 AM
> *Subject:* New release: Bundle v2.0.a5.oga.5
> All,
>   We have updated the OpenGrADS Bundles at sf.net <http://sf.net>, now
> at v2.0.a5.oga.5:
>  http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=161773&package_id=305032&release_id=681044
> <http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=161773&package_id=305032&release_id=681044>
>   This is primarily a bug fix release; now PyGrADS v1.1.2 (see
> separate posting) is 100% functional with GrADS v2.  The bug fixes
> include:
>   - bugs in ipc/ipc_load() that prevented pygrads from importing data
> into grads
>   - "printim -b" should work
>   - Mike Fiorino's extensions have been revised and updated; mfhilo
> should work
>   - fixed a couple of bugs associated with 256 colors; you should be
> able to use printim/gxeps with images that use more than 100 colors.
>  See the ChangeLog for additional details.  Binaries for Linux, Mac OS
> X and FreeBSD 6.3 have been posted. Windows and other platforms to
> appear soon.
>   Please let us know of any problems.
>   Enjoy,
>      Arlindo
> PS: I see in our logs that some people have downloaded v2.0.a5.oga.5
> binaries before this announcement went out.  Just last night we fix
> one last issue related to ipc/pygrads and refreshed the binaries. You
> will need to get the very latest build for pygrads to work.
> --
> Arlindo da Silva
> dasilva at alum.mit.edu <mailto:dasilva at alum.mit.edu>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Arlindo da Silva
> dasilva at alum.mit.edu <mailto:dasilva at alum.mit.edu>

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