New release: Bundle v2.0.a5.oga.5

dipak sahu dipakmath at GMAIL.COM
Fri May 15 00:51:50 EDT 2009

Dear all
  currently i'm using the grads version *grads-1.8sl11 *, which is the
latest version of grads with more and new graphics options for IBM-AIX P5
mechine. anybody kindly tell from where i can get the free latest version of
grads package.

thanking you in advance

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 3:29 PM, walter simion <waltersimion at>wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not a new subscriber to this list but this is my first post,
> simply to thank Arlindo, Jose and all the Opengrads comunity for all
> what they do to port/build Grads 2 to Freebsd and Windows.
> Thank you very much
> Dr. Walter Simion

Dipak kumar Sahu,
Research Scholar,
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences.,
Indian Institute of Technology,Delhi
email:- dipak.sahu at
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