Comparison between two files with different resolution

Arlindo da Silva arlindo.dasilva at GMAIL.COM
Thu May 14 08:00:52 EDT 2009

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 12:39 AM, Sachin Ghude
<sachinghude at>wrote:

>  Dear all,
> I am trying to calculate mean between product 1 (2.8X2.8 degree of
> resolution), product 2 (2.8X2.8 degree of resolution) and  product 3 (1X1
> degree resolution).  I do not know how to increase the resolution of
> product 3 to 2.8X2.8 degree.
You will need to use a regridding function. Your options depend on the
version of grads you are working with (always give us the version of grads
you are using). In older versions (v1.9b4 ad earlier) the classic regrid2()
UDF used to be the norm. Version 2.0 comes with lterp() function built in:

while the OpenGrADS builds (available from comes with
the re() function:

re() is a C implementation of the classic regrid2() UDF and is much faster.


Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at
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