UDF help (1.9.4)

Arlindo da Silva arlindo.dasilva at GMAIL.COM
Tue May 12 08:32:19 EDT 2009

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Davide Sacchetti <
davide.sacchetti at arpal.org> wrote:

> I had a lot of problems in MALLOC, that is, "define variable=..." with
> grads 1.9. The situation got much better with opengrads v1.9.0-rc1
> also if I still have some "random" and less frequent problem for defined
> variables. Then my suggestion is: upgrade to v1.9.0-rc1.

If you must stay with the Legacy GrADS v1.x then I suggest you upgrade to
the recently released v1.10. Mainly because it will provide a seamless path
to migrate to v2.0. If you can, migrate to v2.0, in if you need the
OpenGrADS extensions, consider v2.0.a5.oga.5 available from sf.net:


Now the UDF situation is in transition at this point. Stock v2.0 from COLA
does not yet provide a mechanism for defining user defined functions. The
OpenGrADS project provides a mechanism for UDFs in v2.0 which is not
endorsed by COLA; the same mechanism is also implemented in v1.10 (and
slightly different in v1.9.0-rc1). However, these OpenGrADS releases
implement what we cal "API 0", a low level API that requires you know a bit
about the internal GrADS data structures and that you rebuild your UDFs with
new release of GrADS (to be sure, although in practice not always
required.). The situation will change with "API 1", both this is not
available yet. We have a proposal for "API 1" in here:


COLA has plans to develop their own UDF interface, but I am not familiar
with the details of their design.


Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at alum.mit.edu
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