UDF help (1.9.4)
Davide Sacchetti
davide.sacchetti at ARPAL.ORG
Tue May 12 07:33:46 EDT 2009
I had a lot of problems in MALLOC, that is, "define variable=..." with
grads 1.9. The situation got much better with opengrads v1.9.0-rc1
also if I still have some "random" and less frequent problem for defined
variables. Then my suggestion is: upgrade to v1.9.0-rc1.
Bye bye
On Tue, 2009-05-12 at 11:59 +0100, Bernd Becker wrote:
> Hello.
> I managed to build a udf to sort data but cannot quite make it do what
> I want.
> tmean is a 1-d vector of temperature values, no missing data, nice.
> What are the important aspects of calling a udf this way
> 'd sort(tmean, first)'
> that works and this way,
> 'define a=sort(tmean,first)'
> that does not work.
> I want to access the values of a, those that are plotted successfully in
> the first case for further processing.
> And I want to avoid to write the data out and read them back in!
> How can that be achieved?
> Are there better ways to do this in grads2?
> As usual many thanks!
> Bernd.
> --
> Bernd Becker The Monthly Outlook
> Met Office FitzRoy Road Exeter Devon EX1 3PB United Kingdom
> Tel.: +44 (0) 1392 884511 Fax: +44 (0)870 900 5050
> E-mail:bernd.becker at metoffice.com - http://www.metoffice.com
Sacchetti Davide
Centro Funzionale Meteo Idrologico di Protezione Civile della Regione Liguria
ARPAL Unità Tecnica Complessa di livello Regionale
V.le Brigare Partigiane 2 16121 Genova (I)
tel: +39 010 6437535 fax: +39 010 6437520
mail: davide.sacchetti at arpal.org web: www.meteoliguria.it
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