Opengrads Cookbook contributions Re: Fortran code to convert XYZ data to grads format ...?

Arlindo da Silva arlindo.dasilva at GMAIL.COM
Fri May 8 17:11:50 EDT 2009

On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Charles Seman <Charles.Seman at>wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> I'm not sure how to go about contributing to the Opengrads cookbooks...

It is not much more beyond what you have already done and written in the
e-mail. Basically, you descrivbe the problem that you are trying to solve,
include the sample code you already assembled, and describe some concrete
example of how one would use your code. Se for example what I did in this

> How much time would it take, including maintenance?

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