grib1 index file in ensemble data?

Tetsuo Nakazawa nakazawa at MRI-JMA.GO.JP
Thu May 7 21:13:41 EDT 2009

Dear all,

  This is a self-response.

  I have solved the issue.

  I had to run "gribmap -i WEPS_plev_i2008042012e.ctl".

On 2009/05/08, at 9:25, Tetsuo Nakazawa wrote:

> Dear all,
> A question of ensemble data in opengrads
> opengrads
> Versions/Current@/i386
> 2.0.a5.oga.2
> I would like to use %e option and edef in my ctl.
> Currently I create all ctls for each member, as seen below.
> Then I created a new ctl file, to take care of ALL members, but I
> had an error
> message. For your reference I attach a new ctl file.
> I suppose the error comes from the treatment of grib1 index file.....
> <WEPS_plev_i2008042012e.ctl>

Tetsuo Nakazawa
                       nakazawa at
Typhoon Research Department
Meteorological Research Institute
Tel:  029-853-8671 Fax: 029-853-8735

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