Using GrADS to retrieve HYCOM data

Arlindo da Silva arlindo.dasilva at GMAIL.COM
Wed May 6 17:26:57 EDT 2009

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Mark Hess <mhess at> wrote:

>  All,
> I can now open and display HYCOM MLD data in GrADS. My next step is to
> output a lat,lon,value ASCII file from the open dataset for a specified
> region.  The script (shown below) is a cannabalized/modified version of one
> sent to me by Arlindo some time ago (any errors in the script are mine not
> his).  While it does work, it is very slow. It was originally written to
> work from a local file so, I imagine the slow speed is because each time
> it writes a line in the ASCII file it needs to go out and pull that info
> from the http source.  Is there a way I can first write the desired data to
> a NetCDF or binary file on my local disk and then write the ASCII file
> pulling from that file?  I tried unsuccesfully to use the frwite command,
> but perhaps I am using the command incorrectly.
Take a look at this recipe:


Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at
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