undesirable numbers below the X axis

James T. Potemra jimp at HAWAII.EDU
Fri May 1 21:09:20 EDT 2009


The number on the x-axis below the months are the year; I suspect you
have defined
the first time as year 1 in your control file.  You can suppress the
plotting of the year
in your plot with the command:

set tlsupp */year

/*I think this also works for suppressing the month.  As for the font
size and thickness
in cbarn.gs, you'll have to search for "set strsiz" in cbarn.gs and
modify it accordingly.


abbas mofidi wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have two problems regarding to the attachment figure.
> 1. After plotting the figure, some undesirable numbers (Number 1 and
> 2) appear below the X axis. How can I omit the numbers?
> 2. The legend numbers are small in size and thickness. How can I
> change the size and thickness of numbers of legend? I use cbarn.gs in
> GrADS version1.8
> Thank you for your time.
> Regards,
> Abbas Mofidi
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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