batch command for creating movie

Ryo Furue furue at HAWAII.EDU
Wed Jun 17 16:13:13 EDT 2009

Hi Mark,

| I would recommend using gifsicle (
| gifsicle --colors 256 --delay 100 --loop *.gif > anim.gif
| Set colors to 256, cycle image every 100 ms and loop the image.

Thank you for the information.  I've found gifsicle is much more
versatile in handling GIFs than the "convert" command; whereas
the "convert" command is more versatile in that
it can handle a variety of image formats.

For an example of gifsicle's capability, you can optimize
a GIF animation to significantly shrink it:

   3482323 tmp-convert.gif  # convert
   3393686 tmp.gif          # gifsicle
   2415946 tmp-O1.gif       # gifsicle --optimize=1
    931354 tmp-O2.gif       # gifsicle --optimize=2

This optimization is lossless (i.e., without deterioration
in quality), I think.

gifsicle also comes with a nice GIF viewer, with which
you can step forwards and backwards through the GIF
animation!  Unfortunately, the viewer doesn't seem to
be able to handle optimized animations, though.

| Very simple program.
And powerful, too.


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