batch command for creating movie

Stegert stegert at IFM.UNI-HAMBURG.DE
Thu Jun 11 19:30:38 EDT 2009

Hi Ben,

I have no overview on linux tools, but if you have access to an Windows
system, too,
I would recommend Beneton Movie GIF (see:, which I
selected on
for a tool to get an animation from my grads results.
You can load a batch of bitmap files and create a movie (AVI) or
animated GIF incl. selecting
the speed of each frame etc (it comes with lots of adds too and is only
5 MB large).


On 11.06.2009 19:04 ET, Ben-Jei Tsuang wrote:
> Dear GrADS user:
> I want to create a movie file from a time series jpg output from GrADS
> in batch mode. Is there any utility in linux available? The movie file
> can be any format such as wmv or others.
> Now, I am using PICASA, but I have to run it manually. I am searching
> a utility, which can be run in batch mode.
> Thank you.
> Ben

Christoph Stegert - Postdoctoral Investigator
Biology Department - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
MS #33, 2-14 Redfield Building - Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA

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