controling colour station data according to defined range.

Jennifer Faber j.faber at WEERONLINE.NL
Thu Jul 23 11:01:49 EDT 2009

Dear all,

Problem: I am trying to plot MOS data in GrADS. This data is station data and we already created a numerical model and STNmap utility to read and draw into a grid. What I want to do is colour the parameters according to their values. In essence the same as what you can do for the contours (shaded or not) but now for gridvalues or stationdata. 

With Tmax as example we managed: to plot the Tmax of all stations (of MOS file) with gxout shaded using oacreas. Here we can manipulate the colours and the range.

Now: We want to plot the value Tmax as value (not contour) and then colour the value according to a range. I cannot use clevs or ccols because that is only for contours. And I cannot use fgvals neither because then it will colour the entire grid and not the grid value. All I can do with the value is change digit, change size and colour them, BUT all in the SAME colours. 

I didnt include a script, because no script I tried, solved this problem. 
I hope you can help me. Thanks!


MSc. Jennifer Faber
Meteorologist Weeronline

WeerOnline B.V.
Waterstraat 11
6882 GA Velp
Tel.: 026-3622111
Fax: 026-3621699
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