gxout print

Carlos Minjarez minjarez at ATMO.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed Jul 22 16:05:55 EDT 2009

Has any body try to print the actual values in an ascii file.
I am trying but it is printing the interpolated values and I am just
interested in the natural grid value.
I will appreciate your help


datadir = 'textdata'

'open ST4.ctl'
count = 1633
while(count <=1657)
'set t ' count
*'set lon -111.531 -109.817'
'set X -1300.5 -1298.5'
*'set lat 30.8284 32.4566'
'set Y 90.5 92.5'
'q dims'
val1 = sublin(result,5)

val2 = subwrd(val1,6)
'set gxout print'

'set prnopts %8.0f 5 1'

*'set prnopts %10.3e 1 1'
'd precip'
file = "ST4data"count"-"%val2%".txt"

result1 = write(file, result)

say count
count = count+1


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