output in text format

Lisa Welp lwelp at MAIL.UCSD.EDU
Tue Jul 14 14:47:22 EDT 2009


I'm trying to write an expression result as a text file and am not
getting it to work.

I've tried using the 'write' command, but get an 'unknown command' error.

I've also tried downloading the 'fprintf.gs' script from the cookbooks
website and get the following error message:
Unexpected endif.  Incorrect if block nesting.
 Error occurred scanning line 1
 In file fprintf.gs

I attached my version of fprintf.gs that I cut and pasted from the
website in case there is a formatting issue.  Also, I'm using GrADS
version 2.0.a3.

Can anyone explain why these approaches aren't working, or point me in
the right direction?


Lisa Welp-Smith, Postdoc
Carbon Dioxide Research Group
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
lwelp at ucsd.edu

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