error in ctl file

Madhusoodanan M.S. madhusoodanan at GMAIL.COM
Wed Feb 4 09:11:16 EST 2009


your script appears to have some problems.

check the header of taux.cdf (ncdump -h taux.cdf ==> it will give nx and

'set x 129.5 320.5'   ==> ??? longitude will vary from 0 359.5 (if global)
that means x will vary from 1 720 and
                 y              from 1 361 (if from 90S to 90N)

.ctl file to read the tauxobs.grd should be correctly made then.


>>> 'reinit'
>>> 'sdfopen taux.cdf'
>>> 'set gxout fwrite'
>>> 'set fwrite tauxobs.grd'
>>> 'set x 129.5 320.5' **
>>> 'set y 121.5 171.5'
>>> 'set z 1'
>>> 'set t 1 24'
>>> 'd taux'
>>> 'disable fwrite'
>>> and the data length in tauxobs.grd is 193*52*24*4, where nx=193, ny=52,
>>> and t=24,
>>> so, where is the error in file i am not getting it, that is it display
>>> the variable for only time t=1, not for the other time,
>>> please help me.
>>> with redgards
>>> anushri
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