Reminder: x85_64 Multithreading / GrADS on SMP machines

Stefan Gofferje gradsusers at GOFFERJE.HOMELINUX.ORG
Mon Aug 24 04:17:18 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I have a new machine for my chart rendering which has a AMD Phenom
triple core processor and I'm using the grads-2.0.a6-bin-RHEL4-x86_64
package from IGES FTP.
The normal load of the machine is 3 when GrADS is not running and 4 when
the rendering runs. According to my statistics, the CPU load never goes
over 30-something percent when GrADS is running. That makes me suppose
that GrADS does not support multithreading.


As chart-rendering is a very CPU-intensive thing, I think,
multithreading would be a very practical thing as most modern machines
have multicore CPUs... Especially if you are rendering roughly 3500
charts every 6 hours :).


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"Where is that rotation on the radar?!"

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