Display error

Muhammad Rahiz muhammad.rahiz at OUCE.OX.AC.UK
Tue Aug 11 05:57:03 EDT 2009

Dear users,

I'm having trouble displaying seasonal average of a variable
(climatology). Two specific issues;
1. The output file does not save right (see saved file 'JF.eps' and
compare with print screen of original display image, 'screenshot.png').
2. I can't annotate (cbar, title) the image.

I ran the script using both Grads 2.0.a6 and 1.9.b4. The problem persists.

Any suggestions where I went wrong?



'open file.ctl'

'set gxout grfill'
'set mpdset hires'

'set lon 79.69 88.47'
'set lat 26.13 30.85'

'set t 1 12'
'rf = ave(tpr,t+0,t=356,12)'
'modify 'rf' seasonal'

'rfx = ave(rf,t=1,t=2)'
'd rfx'

'draw title Jan-Feb'

'printim JF.eps'

Muhammad Rahiz
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