List of Grads Symbol Fonts

James T. Potemra jimp at HAWAII.EDU
Tue Apr 28 14:29:55 EDT 2009

Hi Remi:

You can add symbols (or change to other fonts) by preceding the text
with a ` and then the font number, e.g.:

"draw title f = `3b`1V = 1/ `3r 7*t"

The `3 indicates font number 3 is desired, and all subsequent text will
be in that font.  I then switch back to font 1, then back to 3.  There
are 5 fonts to choose from (numbered 0 to 4).  I've attached a little
script that will plot all the characters of a given font (specified in line
3).  Hope this helps,


'enable print plot.out'
* set font number here
fontnum = 3
char.1 = "`"
char.2 = "1"
char.3 = "2"
char.4 = "3"
char.5 = "4"
char.6 = "5"
char.7 = "6"
char.8 = "7"
char.9 = "8"
char.10 = "9"
char.11 = "0"
char.12 = "-"
char.13 = "="
char.14 = "q"
char.15 = "w"
char.16 = "e"
char.17 = "r"
char.18 = "t"
char.19 = "y"
char.20 = "u"
char.21 = "i"
char.22 = "o"
char.23 = "p"
char.24 = "["
char.25 = "]"
char.26 = "\"
char.27 = "a"
char.28 = "s"
char.29 = "d"
char.30 = "f"
char.31 = "g"
char.32 = "h"
char.33 = "j"
char.34 = "k"
char.35 = "l"
char.36 = ";"
char.37 = "'"
char.38 = "z"
char.39 = "x"
char.40 = "c"
char.41 = "v"
char.42 = "b"
char.43 = "n"
char.44 = "m"
char.45 = ","
char.46 = "."
char.47 = "/"
char.48 = "~"
char.49 = "!"
char.50 = "@"
char.51 = "#"
char.52 = "$"
char.53 = "%"
char.54 = "^"
char.55 = "&"
char.56 = "*"
char.57 = "("
char.58 = ")"
char.59 = "_"
char.60 = "+"
char.61 = "Q"
char.62 = "W"
char.63 = "E"
char.64 = "R"
char.65 = "T"
char.66 = "Y"
char.67 = "U"
char.68 = "I"
char.69 = "O"
char.70 = "P"
char.71 = "{"
char.72 = "}"
char.73 = "|"
char.74 = "A"
char.75 = "S"
char.76 = "D"
char.77 = "F"
char.78 = "G"
char.79 = "H"
char.80 = "J"
char.81 = "K"
char.82 = "L"
char.83 = ":"
char.84 = '"'
char.85 = "Z"
char.86 = "X"
char.87 = "C"
char.88 = "V"
char.89 = "B"
char.90 = "N"
char.91 = "M"
char.92 = "<"
char.93 = "."
char.94 = "?"
char.95 = " "
char.96 = " "
char.97 = " "
char.98 = " "
char.99 = " "

xmin =  0.75
xmax =  9.00
ymin =  0.75
ymax =  7.50
inc = 0.75
imax = ( xmax - xmin ) / inc + 1
jmax = ( ymax - ymin ) / inc + 1
i = 1
while ( i <= imax )
   xloc = ( i - 1 ) * inc + xmin
   'draw line 'xloc' 'ymin' 'xloc' 'ymax
   i = i + 1
j = 1
while ( j <= jmax )
   yloc = ( j - 1 ) * inc + ymin
   'draw line 'xmin' 'yloc' 'xmax' 'yloc
   j = j + 1

ic = 1
i = 1
while ( i < imax)
   xloc = ( i - 1 ) * inc + xmin + inc / 2.0
   j = 1
   while ( j < jmax )
      yloc = ( j - 1 ) * inc + ymin + inc / 2.0
      'set string 1 c'
      'set strsiz 0.2'
      'draw string 'xloc' 'yloc' `'fontnum''char.ic
      j = j + 1
      ic = ic + 1
i = i + 1
'draw string 4.5 8.0 GrADS Font number 'fontnum
Remi Meynadier wrote:
> Hi,
> I dont know how to draw mathematical symbol (nabla ...) in a title.
> Have not find significant answer to my problem on the GRADSUSR archives.
> Is it possible ?
> Thanks in advance
> RM
> --
> Remi Meynadier
> Service d'aéronomie
> Tour 45, Couloir 45-46, 3e étage
> Université Pierre et Marie Curie
> 4 place Jussieu
> 75252 Paris Cédex 05
> France
> Tél: 33 (0)1 44 27 84 45

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