trouble with using template with forecast files

Roz MacCracken rozmac at IGES.ORG
Thu Oct 16 14:25:44 EDT 2008

Jennifer Adams wrote:
>> and that didn't work..."Undefined grid".
> what did the gribmap -v output look like?

I changed the TDEF to 61, and re-ran gribmap.  (I've attached the
output.)  I was able to display data for t=1 to t=7, but,
nothing higher.

>> What kind of TDEF do I use for a long time series of data?
> Same as for a long forecast data set. There is only one time dimension.
> Are you trying to make a long time series out of forecasts initialized
> at different times?
I think so...I don't know...I have files like: -, - 2008100200.AWIPSF36.tm00.sgetc.  So, on
each day, I have a 00Z file and a 12Z file, with forecasts steps of f06,
f12, f18...f36.

Sp, I'm really not sure how to handle this..

I'm actually just trying to make a control file for the
time series of forecast data...I guess...there is no "initial data" in
this dataset.  (i.e.,


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