How to draw vectors with space between them?

Raj Kumar Sharma rajkumar_62 at REDIFFMAIL.COM
Wed Nov 5 05:24:50 EST 2008

Hi Mald,To draw every fifth grid point for u- as well as v-component is d skip(u,5,5);skip(v,5,5); for every 3rd grid point d skip(u,3,3);skip(v,3,3)CheersRajOn         Wed, 5 Nov 2008 14:58:36 +0500     GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT wrote  Hi there,    I want to do a vector plot with a vector at say every 5th grid point. I have a grid with many grid points (eg. 200 pnts) and the screen looks so messy with all the vectors. So I want to plot them at equi-grid points. How do I achieve this?      Thanks  Mald

Dr Raj Kumar
Oceanic Sciences Division
Meteorology and Oceanography Group
Space Applications Centre, ISRO
Ahmedabad 380015, INDIA
Tel: 91-79-26916048 or  91-79-26916043
Fax: 91-79-26916075
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