Average wind speed at sigma level

Leopoldo Alvarez lalvarez at IDEMOC.COM
Sat May 24 07:27:02 EDT 2008

Dear grads-users,

I am using this procedure to paint the average wind speed about 10m.

'set gxout shaded'

'd tg1'

How can I determine the average wind speed at sigma level or pressure
level?. For example to 0=0.97 (sigma) and presion=850 (mb).

Thanks in advance
Leopoldo Alvarez
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Leopoldo Alvarez
Director del Área de Modelización
Meteorology and Oceanographic Studies Institute
Canary Islands - Spain
Web : www.idemoc.com
E-mail: lalvarez at idemoc.com
Tlfno: (+34) 600 253 237
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