basemap lpoly_mres.asc file correction over Caspian Sea

Varlamv Sergey vsm at RIAM.KYUSHU-U.AC.JP
Wed May 21 02:03:52 EDT 2008

To interested persons.

I found that script in mres resolution draws a shaded
rectangle over the Caspian Sea, the in-land isolated sea in the Central Asia.

To remove it you need to search and replace in the lpoly_mres.asc file
the line starting from:

48 52 40 45 draw polyf

by next two lines without an empty line between them:

50 52 40 45 draw polyf 51.1342 45 51.2711 44.6578 50.7733 44.6578 50.2756 44.6578 50.4178 44.3022 50.8445 44.2311 50.9867 43.8756 51.2 43.5911 51.2711 43.1645 51.6978 43.0933 51.9111 42.8089 52 42.8089 52 45 51.1342 45

48 50 40 45 draw polyf 49.4637 40 49.4933 40.1778 49.8489 40.32 50.3467 40.32 50.0622 40.5333 49.6356 40.6044 49.4222 40.8889 49.1378 41.1022 48.9956 41.4578 48.7111 41.7422 48.3556 41.9556 48.1422 42.24 48 42.4296 48 40 49.4637 40

If lines are broken by my or your mail soft - be sure to
join pieces in two single lines.
This removes rectangle over the center of Caspian sea and draw correct shades
over the eastern and western coasts of this sea.
Having problems please write me directly and I will e-mail your
the corrected file.
Hope that soon GrADS team will include this correction in to the official distribution.

Best regards

Sergey Varlamov

Senior Scientist
Climate Variations Modeling Group
Climate Variations Research Program
Frontier Research Center for Global Change
JAMSTEC, 3173-25 Showa-machi, Yokohama
Kanagawa 236-0001 JAPAN
Tel: +81-45-778-5516 Fax: +81-45-778-5707
E-mail: vsm at

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