area averaging for climatology

Mald MM5 maldmm5 at GMAIL.COM
Sun Jun 22 20:00:27 EDT 2008

Hi Allen,

Could you please share the link where you get the Reynolds 1x1 data set?

Thank you

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 12:14 PM, Teddy Allen <teddyallen at> wrote:

> Dear GrADS users,
> I am trying to compute a single value for SST in a particular region for
> an averaged time period. Ideally, I would like to average a region and
> then compute the values of that single region for Jan. of 1982-2007 (set t
> 2 302 12)....
> Is it possible to compute a single spatially averaged value of SST during
> a temporally averaged  time period? I understand how to do them
> individually, but together I am confused. I am trying to average a sst in
> the NINO3 region for all January months in the 1982-2007 Reynolds 1x1
> degree SST dataset. I expect to find one SST that defines the average Jan.
> temp within that region from 1982 to 2007. ( While this may not be
> pertinent to anything of significance, it should provide a template to use
> in other more meaningful applications...)
> I have entered:
> define nino3 = aave (sst, lon=210, lon=270, lat=-5, lat=5)
> define janino3 = ave(nino3, t=2, t=302, 12)
> d janino3
> Thank you for any advice or direction.
> teddy
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