fwrite question on reading

Shun Jie Liu shun.jie.liu at INVENIA.CA
Wed Jun 4 17:50:04 EDT 2008

Hello, I tried to use fwrite to get a data file and try to read it but i got a distorted view from the newly created data file. I wonder is it my control file or something else thats causing the problem. Anyone could help shed some light on my problem ? 
Thank you
- Shunjie 
I create the sample.dat using 
set fwrite sample.dat
set gxout fwrite
d t2
disable fwrite
Here is my orig ctl file I used for output-------------dset ^orig.datoptions byteswappedundef 1.e37title  samplepdef  102  81 lcc  49.538  -98.338   51.500   41.000  50.00000  50.00000 -105.00000   3333.000   3333.000xdef  351 linear -100.92260   0.01501352ydef  196 linear   48.03919   0.01501352zdef   12 levels  1000.00000 975.00000 950.00000 925.00000 900.00000 875.00000 850.00000 825.00000 800.00000 750.00000 500.00000 250.00000tdef   49 linear 00Z01JAN2006      10MN      VARS   31U             12  0  x-wind component (m s-1)V             12  0  y-wind component (m s-1)W             12  0  z-wind component (m s-1).....------------- Here is the control file I newly created-------------dset ^sample.datundef 1.e37title  samplepdef  102  81 lcc  49.538  -98.338   51.500   41.000  50.00000  50.00000 -105.00000   3333.000   3333.000xdef  351 linear -100.92260   0.01501352ydef  196 linear   48.03919   0.01501352zdef   1 levels 1000.00000tdef   1 linear 00Z01JAN2006      10MN      VARS   1T2             1  0  TEMP at 2 M (K)ENDVARS------------- And a picture of the distorted image is included   
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