Using PCGrads to examine TRMM HDF files

Ranyére Nóbrega ranyere.nobrega at SIPAM.GOV.BR
Sat Jul 19 07:12:30 EDT 2008

Dear Aaron,
Use tthis ftp address .
In this address,the files can read directly in GrADS  and yet own CTL.

Ranyere Nobrega
SIPAM - Sistema de Proteção da Amazônia

Mr Aaron Pratt escreveu:
> Hello,
> I have downloaded TRMM orbit data files; I believe the file format is HDF. I wanted to use PCGrADS to open this file, but I am having problems. I know that there is a GrADSHDF executable within the PCGrADS that should be able to open the files directly, but that doesn't seem to work. I also try to use the TSDIS viewer to convert the HDF file (or at least a subsection) into a standard GrADS file. However, the .ctl file that was crreted still did not open (there seemed to be problems with the .dat file that was created). Is the Windows version of GrADS able to examine these TRMM orbit files. Also, are there any scripts available? Thanks in advance,
> Aaron

Ranyére Silva Nóbrega (Doutorando em meteorologia)
Chefe Interino - Divisão de Meteorologia e Climatologia
Presidência da República - Casa Civil
Sistema de Proteção da Amazônia - Sipam
Centro Técnico e Operacional de Porto Velho
Fone: (69)3217-6291
email: ranyere.nobrega at

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