GrADS 2.0.a0

Glenn.Rutledge Glenn.Rutledge at NOAA.GOV
Fri Jan 25 13:15:48 EST 2008

Thank you Jennifer -
and COLA for these significant upgrades and keeping GrADS alive!

We'll give it a trial run here.  Also-  will GDS be able to use this
version (and the ability for the use of it w/ RedHat5)?

Thanks much- for all all your support tot he community.  Glenn

Jennifer Adams wrote the following on 1/25/2008 11:51 AM:
> At long last, GrADS 2.0.a0 is released!
> Because NCEP will soon be distributing forecast data only in GRIB2
> format, we are releasing an alpha version of GrADS 2.0. We are still
> actively testing and debugging and documenting the code, but it is
> working well for us internally at COLA, and we feel the time is right
> for a public release.
> GrADS 2.0 is a significant upgrade from 1.9 in many ways:
> -- it has 'dtype grib2' and a new utility 'grib2scan'
> -- it has a fifth dimension for gridded data sets
> -- internal data handling is all double precision
> -- undef handling is cleaner
> -- the netcdf/hdf interface has been streamlined
> -- the executable names are different:
>        gradsc, gradsnc, and gradshdf are merged into 'grads'
>        gradsdods is now 'gradsdap'
> Because of these changes, and others that are still in the works but
> haven't been implemented yet, there are some features which we can no
> longer support. The UDF interface is disabled, but will be return soon
> in a new implementation that should be easier to use. The lterp()
> function (a widely used UDF) is now built-in. The LATS interface is
> gone, but implementing a new path for writing out netcdf with 'gxout
> fwrite' is very high on our to-do list. Templating with the 'sdfopen'
> command is also no longer supported, and some special cases of binary
> file formats are now a legacy: "var" and "z" transposed data
> (units=-1,1) and "x" and "y" transposed data (units=-1,30). The format
> of the GrADS metafile will also change, as graphics improvements are
> implemented. The gv utility will not work with GrADS 2.0. Otherwise,
> for now, everything you do with GrADS should work in version 2.
> I have posted the source code and two binary tarballs in:
>     _
> Binaries are for RedHatEnterpriseLinux5 (x86_64) and Intel Macs. If
> you are using GrADS on a unix platform of a different flavor, I highly
> recommend trying to build from source, since I will be posting updates
> to the source code very frequently. A list of the required
> supplemental libraries is in the documentation at
> _ . Almost all of these
> supplibs are upgrades from previous versions and build easily. I will
> update this doc page with additional guidance for building from source
> as soon as I can.
> To get you started with NCEP GRIB2, I have also posted a couple of
> sample descriptor files:
>    _
>    _
> The documentation on descriptor file elements (
> )has been updated with
> information on the EDEF entry and GRIB2 handling.
> Please post comments and questions and bug reports here. As always, I
> must be able to reproduce a problem on my own systems in order to fix
> it, so keep that in mind when reporting bugs.
> Jennifer
> --
> Jennifer M. Adams
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Calverton, MD 20705
> jma at <mailto:jma at>

Glenn K. Rutledge
Services Team Leader
Remote Sensing and Applications Division
NOMADS Project Manager
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
151 Patton Ave
Asheville NC 28801
Phone: (828) 271-4097
Fax: (828) 271-4328


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