[GrADS] How to plot stations climatology contour in a map?

Jayakrishnan PR prjayakrishnan at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 23 01:13:50 EST 2008

Dear Dai,
    I have tried with the data you supplied with lat lon and climatological
value and was successful in plotting the station plots using grads station
data. I herewith attaches the text files, Fortran program, C program, ctl
file, gs file and the plot I could get using your data.
     This is the first step to plot the contour I think. To plot the
contours you willl have to use the 'oacres' function as suggested by Jerry
in the previous mail. Till now I am not familiarised with oacres. If you got
the answer kindly let me know. But I know how to use oacres. refer grads
documentation for details.
    First you run the climread.f. The output of climread.f is used as the
input of c program clim.c. Then the binary output is incorperated with
  Hope this helps.

Junior Research Fellow
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Cochin University of Science And Technology (CUSAT), Cochin-16
Kerala, India.
Mob: 09895417565

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