wrong coordinates when plotting from an .nc file

brian vant-hull brianvanthull at YAHOO.COM
Fri Jan 4 10:18:23 EST 2008

You'll need to be more precise...for example if the
coordinates are in equal increments of lat and lon
then in an equal distance mapping they'd get narrower
towards the poles, but the typical lat-lon plot would
stretch it.  You must have something different, but
hard to tell what it is.

I may not be able to answer the question, but for
someone else to answer it they'll need to know alot
more details!


--- Costas Douvis <cdouvis at YAHOO.COM> wrote:

> Hello and happy new year to everyone
> I have problem plotting the data from an .nc file. I
> believe that the values of the field are correct but
> the coordinates are "stretched" so that they fit in
> a rectangle. The real grid comes from an RCM model
> and is getting narrower towards the equator.
> Thanks in advance for any help
> Kostas Douvis
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