software on station data

See Hai Ooi axl419 at YAHOO.COM
Sat Aug 30 04:53:34 EDT 2008

Dear Mr Tsuang,

      I use window version of GrADS.

      In your tar file, there is a stngrads.cpp.  After compiling, I noted the following warning [I placed the station.h in the \include of my C++ compiler] :-

D:\software\GrADS\utility\stngrads\station.h(76) : warning C4305: '=' : truncation from 'const double' to 'float'
D:\software\GrADS\utility\stngrads\station.h(78) : warning C4305: '=' : truncation from 'const double' to 'float'
D:\software\GrADS\utility\stngrads\station.h(79) : warning C4305: '=' : truncation from 'const double' to 'float'
D:\software\GrADS\utility\stngrads\stngrads.cpp(239) : warning C4101: 'tstr' : unreferenced local variable

stngrads.obj - 0 error(s), 4 warning(s)


        May I know how to eliminate these warnings ?

        By examining your lonlat.txt and lonlat.ctl, I note that there are 6 variables in the .ctl file [In your .cpp, there is a remark that only one variable for one .ctl file.  In the lonlat.ctl, there are 6 variables. I am confused.].  Can you let me know the exact correspondence of these variables with those columns in the text ?  Also, your tdef shows 6 linear 12z18jan1994 1 yr.  I could not figure these out from your lonlat.txt.  Sorry. Please help.

       Thank you.


Ooi See Hai

--- On Sat, 30/8/08, Ben-Jei Tsuang <btsuang at YAHOO.COM> wrote:

> From: Ben-Jei Tsuang <btsuang at YAHOO.COM>
> Subject: software on station data
> Date: Saturday, 30 August, 2008, 12:14 AM
> Dear All:
>   Enclosed is a utility "stngrads" for use to convert station data in ascii to GrADS station binary.
>   1) In the tar file. It should be very easy to compile the source code under linux by typing "make'. Then, you should be able to see the excuate file "stngrads".
>     2) Please excuate "stngrads" to see the help.
> In addiiton,
>   3) show an example how to covert station data in lon/lat coordiante to GrADS station data.
>   4) show an example how to covert station data in utm (for Taiwan Area) coordiante to GrADS station data.
>   5) After you generate the GrADS station binary file, do not forget to create your ctl file (Please see lonlat.ctl as an example). After ctl is generated, type
>   stnmap -i lonlat.ctl
>   to generate the index file ( as an example).
>   6) Nonetheless, since shaded and contour command of GrADS only support grided data, you should convert the data to gridded data for the display by oacres or oabin. Enclosed a script "" shows such a job.
>   7) Note that "topo.ctl" in the tar file, which serves as a template for the gridded resoultion. You should modify it with the resolution of your intetest.
>   Hopefully. This will help people intersted in station
> data.
>   Ben

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