templates and fixed forecast times for different runs

Austin Conaty Austin.L.Conaty at NASA.GOV
Mon Aug 18 21:11:06 EDT 2008

Hi Bill,

Some potentially silly questions...,

Are you rerunning gribmap and pointing to a
new ".idx" file for each of the four cases? (00, 06, 12, 18)?

Why is TDEF set to 900? (do you have 225 cases?)

Should your tdef begin with 06Z24jan2008 instead of 00Z24jan2008?
( and then 12z and 18z for the other cases?)


Bill Bua wrote:
> Hi --
> I'm running GrADS configured as below (from the q config command at the
> grads command line):
> Config: v1.9b4_ncep 32-bit big-endian readline sdf/xdf netcdf lats printim
> Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 1.9b4_ncep
> Copyright (c) 1988-2005 by Brian Doty and IGES
> Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
> Institute for Global Environment and Society (IGES)
> This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY
> See file COPYRIGHT for more information.
> Built Thu Sep 28 15:18:35 EDT 2006 for powerpc-ibm-aix5.3.0.0
> This version of GrADS has been configured with the following options:
>    o This is a 32-bit BIG ENDIAN machine version.
>    o Command line editing (readline) ENABLED.
>    o CIRES/CDC (http://www.cdc.noaa.gov) SDF/XDF interface ENABLED.
>      Use sdfopen/xdfopen to read NetCDF files.
>    o DTYPE netcdf is ENABLED; DTYPE hdfsds is DISABLED.
>    o OPeNDAP (a.k.a. DODS) gridded data interface DISABLED.
>    o OPeNDAP (a.k.a. DODS) station data interface DISABLED.
>    o PCMDI (http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov) LATS interface ENABLED.
>      This version is configured to write GRIB and NetCDF files.
>    o DAO (http://dao.gsfc.nasa.gov) Athena Widget GUI DISABLED.
>    o NRL/DAO/PCMDI XA or ImageMagick Image Output DISABLED.
>    o printim command for direct png/gif output ENABLED.
>      (via the GD Library -- http://www.boutell.com/gd)
> and I'm having trouble constructing a template for files named as follows:
> pgbf<fhr>.<yyyy><mm><dd><cc> where fhr is the 3-digit forecast hour, yyyy is
> the year, mm is the month, dd is the date, and cc is the forecast cycle (00,
> 06, 12, and 18).
> What I want to do is be able to look at the forecast error for all runs at
> forecast hour 06, 12, 18, 24, and so on up to 180.
> I thought I could set up a control file with a template like so:
> pgbf06.%y4%m2%d2%h2 (for six-hour forecasts)
> pgbf12.%y4%m2%d2%h2 (for 12-hour forecasts)
> pgbf18.%y4%m2%d2%h2 (for 18-hour forecasts) and so on.
> For pgbf00.%y4%m2%d2%h2, everything works fine.  I get weird distorted
> graphics for the data for f06, and I suspect I would for f12, f18, ....
> Here is the control file I've tried without success:
> dset /global/shared/stat/pra/pgbf06.%y4%m2%d2%h2
> index ^pgbf00.2008012400.idx
> undef 9.999E+20
> title /global/shared/stat/pra/pgbf00.2008012400 2.5x2.5 degr res
> *  produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p39a
> dtype grib 2
> options yrev template
> ydef 73 linear -90.000000 2.5
> xdef 144 linear 0.000000 2.500000
> tdef 900 linear 00Z24jan2008 6hr
> and so on with variable definitions.
> Can anyone give me a hand with this?
> Thanks!

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