New Release GrADS 2.0.a3

Fil fil at METEOPT.COM
Fri Aug 15 20:27:58 EDT 2008

Thanks for this release Jennifer! I guess that UDF will have to wait :)

I'm having a problem with the 32-bit linux distribution, I get the following
error when running any binary:

Floating point exception


2008/8/14 Jennifer Adams <jma at>

> Dear All,Many thanks to John Huddleston and Don Hooper who have provided
> more pre-compiled binary distributions of GrADS-2.0.a3. Now we have MS
> Windows (requires cygwin) and 32-bit linux (i686) and SunOS. The downloads
> page ( has been updated. If you
> scroll down to the "Supplementary Files" section, there is also a link to a
> windows build of cnvgrib that John Huddleston also provided.
> Jennifer
> On Aug 12, 2008, at 9:41 AM, Jennifer Adams wrote:
> I have posted a new version of GrADS: 2.0.a3. The GrADS downloads web page
> (**<>)
> has been updated with links to the source code and pre-compiled binaries for
> Macs and a few 64-bit linux flavors. Here's what new in this release:
>     Features:
>     * New set of commands for writing out netcdf files.
>       'sdfwrite'       (creates the file, takes a defined variable name as
> an argument)
>       'set sdfwrite'   (sets the output filename, default is
>       'query sdfwrite' (shows the output filename, format, and
> user-specified attributes)
>       'set sdfattr'    (sets attribute metadata for the output file)
>       'clear sdfwrite' (resets the sdf output filename and releases
> any attributes)
>     * Added "PDEF GENERAL" as an data-format independent alternative to
>     Fixes:
>     * Station data handling via OPeNDAP (enabled with libgadap) works with
> GDS 2.0.
>     * The stnmap utility does not seg fault when some templated data files
> are missing.
>     * Added PDEF handling for 2-D native HDF and NetCDF files
>     * Data format dependence in PDEF FILE better documented;
>       warning issued when data set that uses PDEF FILE is opened.
>     * Memory leak in scorr().
>     * The index files created by gribmap are portable
>     * parsing of VECTORPAIRS entry in descriptor file does not seq fault
>     Misc:
>     * Graphical display window is sized according to the height of the
> display;
>       portait is 90% of display height, landscape is 60%.
>     * Changes to the configure tools to facilitate building from source
>     * The sdfopen command handles files with "axis" attribute
>     * Output from 'query config' more complete, contains some supplib
> versions
>     * Support for NetCDF and HDF files with spaces in the variable names;
>       substitute ~ for <space> in varname=>alias syntax.
> This build has the initial implementation of the capability to write out
> netCDF files. The interface is to set the desired dimension environment,
> then define a variable, then 'sdfwrite' it:     ga-> set lon ... lat ...
> lev ... time ... ens
>     ga-> define newvar = var
>     ga-> sdfwrite newvar
> In this release, you can only write out one variable per file, and you
> cannot append to an existing file. Later releases will have more flexibility
> built in, but I wanted to get this initial implementation out there for
> testing first. In the meanwhile, the workaround is to write two files, then
> use the netcdf operators to merge them.
> Documentation pages for the new commands are here:
> ****<>
> **<>
> ****<>
> **
> I will be adding additional documentation to the Users Guide on how to work
> with ensembles, how to write out data in various formats, how to build from
> source, and other interesting topics.
> Jennifer
> --
> Jennifer M. Adams
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Calverton, MD 20705
> *jma at*** <jma at>
> --
> Jennifer M. Adams
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Calverton, MD 20705
> jma at

Fil -
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