polygon area avg?
Arindam Chakraborty
arindam at MET.FSU.EDU
Wed Apr 23 16:14:34 EDT 2008
hi Greg,
please see the attached function that calculates area average over a
quadrilateral of any shape. It uses the same strategy Dr. Hart has
suggested. I did use this function sometime ago and probably the results
were reasonable. As far as I remember, the value lon1 should be <= lon2,
lon2<=lon3, lon4<=lon3, lon1<=lon4 (and similar rules apply for the
latitude points). The points (1,2,3,4) has to be arranged in
anti-clockwise direction (see the illustration inside the file). For
example, for Nevada:
lon1=240; lat1=42;
lon2=240; lat2=39;
lon3=246; lat3=34.5;
lon4=246; lat4=42;
'set lev 850'
res = saave(lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2,lon3,lat3,lon4,lat4,u,1)
* u is the variable name
say 'Area average = 'res
You can set box=1 (last argument) and set 'gxout grfill' to see which
all grids are considered for averaging.
Note that, for a rectangular area you may not get same result as of
aave() because unlike in aave(), this function does not take into
account fraction of grids for averaging.
Note again that, this function is just to avoid creating a data set of
1's and 0's to mask out. The basic idea of averaging remains the same
Hope this helps.
Robert Hart wrote:
> Greg,
> How about masking out the area outside the polygon, and then taking the
> aave() of the entire domain?
> I believe aave would ignore undefined gridpoints.
> Bob
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Greg West <greg.west at UTAH.EDU>
> Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1:22 pm
> Subject: polygon area avg?
>> Grads users,
>> Has anyone come up with a way to take an area avg of the area
>> within a
>> non-rectangle shape? The shape I'm looking for in this case resembles
>> the shape of Nevada. If not I can probably approximate the shape by
>> averaging a bunch of smaller rectangles.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Greg
>> --
>> ******************************************************
>> Gregory West
>> Graduate Research Assistant
>> University of Utah - Dept of Meteorology
>> Office: INSCC 480-10
>> 135 S 1460 E WBB Rm. 819
>> Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0110
>> 801-585-1410
>> greg.west at utah.edu
>> ******************************************************
Department of Meteorology
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL-32306, USA
Tel: 850-644-3524 (O)
850-524-0717 (C)
Fax: 850-644-9642
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