Plotting rain.ctl example

Jennifer Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Fri Apr 18 08:06:34 EDT 2008

On Apr 15, 2008, at 12:00 PM, Marco Sartore wrote:

> Hello,
> I am new to Grads so please excuse me in adavnce if my questions
> are too "naiv".
> I have finally succeeded in creating a station .map file from the
> "famous" example available in the Grads literature rain.ctl.
> When I load the file (which contains just a variable p for
> precipitation and 2 or 3 samples relative to 4 stations) in Grads
> and try to display something I get the world map with nothing else.
> Setting gxout to shaded (my final wish is to obtain a shaded plot
> interpolating rainfall data among several stations) nothing
> changes. Which are the correct commands to use ?

'set gxout value' will display a number at each station location,
'set gxout stnmark' will display a colorized dot. You can use 'set
stnprint on' with 'set stat on' and then GrADS will print a list of
the plotted stations in the command window. This is helpful to find
out if any data were displayed.

> Second question: in case I will switch to real data, I will have my
> stations far away each other just a few chilometers. Will Grads
> display automatically the map relative (and zoomed to) my stations ?

No, the default display is global. You must use 'set lat' and 'set
lon' to limit the domain.

> Thanks a lot for your help and understanding,
> regards,
> Marco

Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at

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