g2gdf.pl part2

Arlindo da Silva dasilva at ALUM.MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 17 13:17:14 EDT 2008

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Mark Sponsler <msponsler at comcast.net>

> Arlindo - No luck. I've tried doing a 'cd' in the past when I've
> had pathing issues and it seems to make no difference.  The only way to make
> progress is to explicitly identify the whole path to the input file:
> P:\>set PATH=c:\Program Files\PCGrADS19\win32;%PATH%
> P:\>cd c:\grib\hires_input\
> P:\>g2gdf.exe -verf gfs_t12z.grib2
> cannot find any GRIB-2 file at script/g2gdf.pl line 124.
> P:\>g2gdf -verf gfs_t12z.grib2
> cannot find any GRIB-2 file at script/g2gdf.pl line 124.

Rats! I suspect that the problem is related to the "\" in the file names, as
indicated by the grads error message:

: No such file or directoryt12z.inv

To test this hypothesis, edit the last 2 lines of your .gdf


@ global String dset      c:\grib\hires_input\gfs_t12z.grib2
@ global String inventory c:\grib\hires_input\gfs_t12z.inv


@ global String dset  ^gfs_t12z.grib2
@ global String inventory ^gfs_t12z.inv

and if that does not work replace all the "\" with "/"

@ global String dset      c:/grib/hires_input/gfs_t12z.grib2
@ global String inventory c:/grib/hires_input/gfs_t12z.inv

One frustating aspect of all of this is that I have no such problem on my
Windows XP boxes, so I cannot perform these tests myself. Are you running
Vista by any chance?

Also, after the "g2_open" please add a "g2_verb" for extra diagnostic

BTW, are you able to display the model_25.gdf included in the data/



Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at alum.mit.edu
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