Problem in Grads 1.9.0-rc1on Xeon machine

Raj Kumar Sharma rajkumar_62 at REDIFFMAIL.COM
Tue Apr 15 14:11:55 EDT 2008

I had tried that option also for convertinfg dos2unix and even once written new ctl and inp file, but nothing worked.It is true that I don't have cygwin installed on the machine.RajOn         Tue, 15 Apr 2008 08:32:19 -0400     GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT wrote  On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 6:20 AM, Raj Kumar Sharma  wrote:    Arlindo,  As I had written a few days back also, it runs perfectly with please suggest what to do.    In order to help further diagnose the problem, I'd need to know if you can get it to work if you convert your exec script with dos2unix:  dos2unix rk.inp  This will confirm to me "where" the problem is. (This error tends not to be reproducible when one has cygwin installed).        Arlindo      --   Arlindo da Silva  dasilva at

Dr Raj Kumar
Oceanic Sciences Division
Meteorology and Oceanography Group
Space Applications Centre, ISRO
Ahmedabad 380015, INDIA
Tel: 91-79-26916048 or  91-79-26916043
Fax: 91-79-26916075
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