Problem in Grads 1.9.0-rc1on Xeon machine

Raj Kumar Sharma rajkumar_62 at REDIFFMAIL.COM
Tue Apr 8 08:48:31 EDT 2008

Arlindo,q config shows:Config:v1.9.0-rc1 32-bit little-endian readline sdf/xdf netcdf dap dap-stn lats athena printimSorry, I forgot to write XP in Windows, I am having Winodws XP ProfessionalThanksRajOn         Tue, 8 Apr 2008 07:46:08 -0400     GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT wrote  Raj,  Are you running the latest build? Send result of "q config". What do you mean by "Windows Professional"? Windows 2000? XP? Vista?     Arlindo      On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 4:38 AM, Raj Kumar Sharma  wrote:    Hi,  I am running Grads 1.9.0-rc1 on Windows Professional system. On some of machines like HP Workstation XW8400 (Intel Xeon machine), if I run my input file as "exec rk.inp" it stops at Display command and gives following error:    System Error: Expected operator or '>'  Error occurred at column 5  Display error: Invalid ex-pression  expression=h  Exec error: error in rk.inp Exec stopped    whereas if I give command "d h" it runs without any problem, it shows error only if I run i
 t as exec rk.inp    On some of the machines, even 'exec rk.inp' also runs without any problem. Can someone suggest the solution.  I am attaching the relavant files also.    Thanks    Raj        Dr Raj Kumar    Scientist    Oceanic Sciences Division    Meteorology and Oceanography Group    Space Applications Centre, ISRO    Ahmedabad 380015, INDIA    Tel: 91-79-26916048 or  91-79-26916043    Fax: 91-79-26916075        --   Arlindo da Silva  dasilva at

Dr Raj Kumar
Oceanic Sciences Division
Meteorology and Oceanography Group
Space Applications Centre, ISRO
Ahmedabad 380015, INDIA
Tel: 91-79-26916048 or  91-79-26916043
Fax: 91-79-26916075
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