Running a GrADS .gs script automatically on start-up

Daniel Fritz prodicalboxer at YAHOO.COM
Fri Sep 21 01:15:44 EDT 2007

keep in mind also you must have the correct path.........when running the script out of the directory...I hope I said that right...please correct me if I am wrong :):):)

Arlindo da Silva <dasilva at ALUM.MIT.EDU> wrote:
  On 9/20/07, Mark Hess wrote:
> I am trying to run GrADS and automatically start a script. The command I am
> typing is: grads -lc "run"

Where are you running this from? From the windows command line (cmd.exe)?
Chances are the command line string "run" is not being passed
in correctly. Try omitting the 'run"; this might work. Let me know.

Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at

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