return status from command "open"

bernd.becker at METOFFICE.GOV.UK bernd.becker at METOFFICE.GOV.UK
Mon Sep 17 04:26:38 EDT 2007


Can I sway "open" to return something to figure
if the file.ctl in question exists or not?

iostat='open bob.ctl'

say 'iostat for bob is :'iostat

--> iostat for bob is : bob.ctl not found'

or similar.

many thanks,

Bernd Becker   The Monthly Outlook
Met Office  FitzRoy Road  Exeter   Devon EX1 3PB  United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 1392 884511 Fax: +44 (0)870 900 5050
E-mail:bernd.becker at -

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