gradient in x and y directions

Everson Dal Piva everson.bento at GMAIL.COM
Mon Sep 3 13:11:12 EDT 2007

    Ze, beleza por ai?
    Ja conseguiu resolver o teu problema? se nao conseguiu me avisa que te
mando um trecho que programa que calcula o que tu quer.
    Ate mais

On 8/30/07, Jose Augusto Paixao Veiga <jaugusto at> wrote:
> Dear all
>     I would like to compute temperature gradient in x and y directions
> considering the planet esphericity. I did that using GrAds, which is very
> easy. However, to my purpose I must also comput the same using Fortran.
> Then, I would like to obtain a fortran code for such derivatives.
> Helps will be very welcome,
> thanks in advance
> JA
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