Wind vetcor plotting

Kanawade, V.P. vpk1 at LEICESTER.AC.UK
Thu Oct 25 07:46:28 EDT 2007

Dear All,
Greetings from Leicester University.
I am trying to plot mean wind vector for July 2004. Could you please
have a look at the GrADS code to generate wind vector plot and please
correct and suggest to produce nice and informative plot.

'set display color white'
'set mpdraw on'
'set arrowhead 0.15
'set arrlab on'
'set map 1 1 7'
'set gxout vector'
'sdfopen F:/   (uwind file)'
'sdfopen F:/   (vwind file)'
'set lat -90 90'
'set lon -180 180'
'set lev 1000'
'd uwnd.1;vwnd.2'
'draw title Wind Vector at 1000 hPa   July 2004'
'printim windjul04_1000mb.gif gif'

please see attached wind vector plot.

Then I tired to average u and v component of windfields using following
command but it doesn't work.

'define x =ave(uwnd.1, t=1, t=30)'
'define y=ave(vwnd.2, t=1, t=30)'
'd x;y'

Any suggestions are very much appreciated.
Thank you.

Best regards,
Vijay Kanawade

Ph D Student
Earth Observation Science Group
Space Research Centre
University of Leicester
Leicester, LE1 7RH
Tel: +44 (0) 116 252 2771
Email: vpk1 at

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