Converter shapefile for grads format

Stegert stegert at IFM.UNI-HAMBURG.DE
Tue Nov 27 03:36:24 EST 2007

To your 2nd question (mark city):

What you need is the world coordinates of the town
you'd like to include.

1st : plot your image (with display ...)
 > q w2gr <lon> <lat>
you'll get the image coordinates corresponding to the
world coodinates of your city (Xdim, Ydim)

Then you can draw a filled rectangle at that place:
 > set line 1 (sets color to white)
 > draw recf xlo ylo xhi yhi,
where xlo/ylo may be Xdim-0.1 and Ydim-0.1 while
xhi/yhi can be Xdim+0.1 and Ydim+0.1
(depending on the expected size... you may play with that)

 > set line 2
 > draw rec xlo ylo xhi yhi
you'll set a non-filled rectangle (here in red).

HINT: GrADS gives me Xdim=76.25 Ydim=30.08,
while the draw command is to be placed at 7.625 and 3.008

For other signs you can use
 > draw mark, or
 > draw polyf
See the GrADS online documentation on:

Cheers and good luck,

Ranyére Nóbrega schrieb:
> Can I convert a file SHP (shapefile format Surfer, for exemple)  for a
> map in grads format? If yes, how do?
> I need, as well, put a point  (for exemple, city) in grads, how do?
> Thanks
> --
> __________________________________________________________
> Ranyére Silva Nóbrega
> Analista Intelectual
> Divisão de Meteorologia e Climatologia - SIPAM
> Centro Técnico e Operacional de Porto Velho

Christoph Stegert:  Ecological Modelling group
Institut für Meereskunde - Universität Hamburg, Germany
Zentrum f. Marine u. Atmosphärische Wissenschaften ZMAW
Bundesstr.53, 20146 Hamburg - Phone: +49-40/ 42838-7486

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