values do not update

Heiner Körnich heiner at MISU.SU.SE
Thu May 31 09:51:44 EDT 2007

Hi Jose,

are you sure that your value ge changes on the first three digits? Have
you tried to remove the substr-command? Is your field really
one-dimensional? Otherwise 'd ge/1e03' won't give you a single value but
only the plotting range. Check the whole output of result with
say 'result'

Good luck,

Jose Augusto P.Veiga wrote:
> Sue, it didn't work. The problem remains. You just suggest me change the
> counter i by the counter t. I tried, but it doesn't work.
> thanks
> Veiga
>                  Jose Augusto Paixao Veiga
>                 Phd student of  Meteorology
>        National Research for Space Studies - (INPE)
>    Av. dos Astronautas, 1758 - Jd Granja - CEP 12227-010
>                           PG-MET
>              Sao Jose dos Campos - SP - Brasil
>             Work Phone Number:  55-12-3945-6660
> On Thu, 31 May 2007, Susana Cardoso Pereira wrote:
>> Hi Jos?,
>> Try this:
>> (......)
>> t=1
>> while (t<=5)
>> 'set t 't
>> (...)
>> t=t+1
>> endwhile
>> Sue
>> On 5/31/07, Jose Augusto Paixao Veiga <jaugusto at> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> In a short script I am trying to update values to include in my graphics
>>> for
>>> each time. For the first time it works (t=1), however in the following
>>> times
>>> (t>1) the values are not updated in my graphic output. The values that
>>> rise
>>> are "grid". Where am I making mistakes?
>>> Bellow I put part of the script.
>>> I really appreciate helps
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Veiga
>>> 'reinit'
>>> 'open file.ctl'
>>> i=1
>>> while (i <= 5)
>>> 'set t ' i
>>> 'd ge/1e03'
>>> rc=sublin(result,1)
>>> nval=subwrd(rc,4)
>>> ge=substr(nval,1,4)
>>> ge = ge
>>> 'draw string 0.7 7.5 '%ge
>>> 'draw rec 2.5 2.0 4.5 3.5'
>>> pull n
>>> 'c'
>>> i=i+1
>>> endwhile

Heiner Körnich
Dept. of Meteorology            Tel:  +46 8 164333
Stockholms University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Email: heiner at

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