Fortran and Grads?

Davide Sacchetti davide.sacchetti at ARPAL.ORG
Fri May 25 11:04:57 EDT 2007

it would not be so clean: it would be better if you can manage both
grads and fortran by a shell or perl script.
But if you want to call grads by f90 the solution could be this:
launch grads by a SYSTEM fortran command, force grads to write results,
eg by a set gxout fwrite, and then make fortran read the output files
written by grads
Bye bye
have a nice day

On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 15:39 +0200, Jacquelyn Sartan wrote:
> Hi!  I am a new user to GrADS and I have a quick question.
> Is it possible to have a FORTRAN program that computes some values, send
> these values to GrADS to make the graphics and then go back to the Fortran
> program?
> In other words I want to run the GrADS package from my Fortran program.  Is
> this possible?  If so, how would I do this?  Is there a script or something
> that I could use to do this?
> Please help!  Thanks so much and have a great day!
> Jacquelyn Sartan
Sacchetti Davide
ARPAL UO3 Centro Meteo Idrologico Regione Liguria - Dir. Scientifica
V.le Brigare Partigiane 2 16121 Genova (I)
tel: +39 010 6437535
mail: davide.sacchetti at   web:

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