Problems with lats4d + regrid2

Daniel Victoria daniel.victoria at GMAIL.COM
Thu May 24 13:29:23 EDT 2007

Hi all,

I've daily NetCDF TMAX from ncep/ncar reanalysis at a gaussian grid
(downloaded from cdc) and want to resample it to a 0.25 x 0.25 grid.
So I issued the following command:

lats4d -i -o output -de template_0.25.ctl -func regrid2(@,0.25,0.25,bs)

And the output grid I got is all messed up! The dimensions and the
template file are:

Input dimensions:
ga-> q file
File 1 : daily NMC reanalysis (1948)
  Type = Gridded
  Xsize = 33  Ysize = 21  Zsize = 1  Tsize = 21550
  Number of Variables = 1
    tmax 0 -999 Daily Maximum Temperature at 2 m
ga-> q dims
Default file number is: 1
X is varying   Lon = 270 to 330   X = 1.00001 to 33
Y is varying   Lat = -29.5234 to 8.57257   Y = 1 to 21
Z is fixed     Lev = 0  Z = 1
T is fixed     Time = 00Z01JAN1948  T = 1

Template file:
dset nofile
title "Template GrADS ctl at 0.25 horizontal grid"
options template
undef -999
xdef 129 linear 279 0.25
ydef 101 linear -20 0.25
zdef 1 levels 1
tdef 21550 linear 00z01jan1948 1dy
vars 1
var 0 0 generic

Anyone knows what am I doing wrong?

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