opening multiple nc files
Chi Nguyen
Thu May 17 09:17:36 EDT 2007
Hi Leila,
Here is my example ctl file to be opened by xdfopen.
OPTIONS template
TITLE netCDF file
UNDEF 9.e36
XDEF lon 201 LINEAR 95.00 0.15
YDEF lat 201 LINEAR 0.00 0.15
ZDEF lvl 20 LEVELS 1000.00 950.00 900.00 850.00 800.00 750.00 700.00 600.00 500.00 450.00 400.00 350.00 300.00 250.00 225.00 200.00 175.00 150.00 100.00 75.00
TDEF time 25 LINEAR 00z30OCT2005 1HR
sfc_pres=>ps 1 99 x,y,t
geop_ht=>h 20 99 x,y,z,t
air_temp=>t 20 99 x,y,z,t
mix_rto=>qv 20 99 x,y,z,t
zonal_wnd=>u 20 99 x,y,z,t
merid_wnd=>v 20 99 x,y,z,t
omega=>w 20 99 x,y,z,t
scf_pres is variable name of netcdf
ps is variable name for grads
Note the rule: Variable name in grads can't have upper case and can't be longer than 15 characters. Please check the online documentation (I've read somewhere in Grads website). The changing of variable names is not compulsory, unless the above rule is violated.
Cheers, Mai
Leila Maria Merce de Albuquerque <leilamma at NIN.UFMS.BR> wrote:>
> hi,
> Iwould like to know how it works to you. When I have tried it has failed
> many times. May
> I check your ctl?
> tahank you
> Leila
> --
> Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS
> ---------- Original Message -----------
> From: Chi Nguyen <Chi.Nguyen at SCI.MONASH.EDU.AU>
> Sent: Thu, 17 May 2007 14:26:42 +1000
> Subject: Re: opening multiple nc files
>> Hi,
>> I would suggest that you create a ctl file to be opened by xdfopen
>> command,
>> and use OPTIONS template. It works for me!
>> Good luck!
>> Mai
>> Sachin Ghude <sachinghude at TROPMET.RES.IN> wrote:>
>> > Dear all,
>> >
>> > I have multiple (365) nc files for daily average values. I am using
>> > SDFOPEN to view the data files. I want to plot time series for a
>> > particular grid location.
>> >
>> > Would somebody please advice me How to access all the file using
>> > single
>> > command to plot a time series.
>> >
>> > Thanks in advance
>> >
>> > Sachin D Ghude
>> --
>> *********************************
>> Nguyen Chi Mai
>> School of Mathematical Sciences
>> R. 462, Bld. 28, Clayton Campus
>> Monash University
>> Work Ph. +61 3 9905 4424
>> --
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>> acredita-se estar livre de perigo.
> ------- End of Original Message -------
> --
> Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo sistema de antivírus e
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Nguyen Chi Mai
School of Mathematical Sciences
R. 462, Bld. 28, Clayton Campus
Monash University
Work Ph. +61 3 9905 4424
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