where does basemap find the datafiles?

bernd.becker at METOFFICE.GOV.UK bernd.becker at METOFFICE.GOV.UK
Tue May 15 12:36:40 EDT 2007

Matias and Jennifer

thank you very much!

On Tue, 2007-05-15 at 11:33 -0500, Juan Matias Mendez wrote:
> Bernd,
> You must edit basemap.gs on the following lines:
> * Set the polygon data files
> if (type = 'L' | type = 'l')
> *  if (lowres); file = 'lpoly_US.asc'; endif
>   if (lowres); file = 'lpoly_lowres.asc'; endif
>   if (mres)  ; file = 'lpoly_mres.asc'  ; endif
>   if (hires) ; file = 'lpoly_hires.asc' ; endif
> endif
> if (type = 'O' | type = 'o')
>   if (lowres); file = 'opoly_lowres.asc'; endif
>   if (mres)  ; file = 'opoly_mres.asc'  ; endif
>   if (hires) ; file = 'opoly_hires.asc' ; endif
> endif
> Please modify according where you stored your polygon data files.
> Good luck.
> Best regards from Mexico,
> Matias
> El mar, 15-05-2007 a las 17:03 +0100, bernd.becker at METOFFICE.GOV.UK
> escribió:
> > Bernd
Bernd Becker   The Monthly Outlook
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