where does basemap find the datafiles?

Jennifer Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Tue May 15 12:12:58 EDT 2007

The path to the .asc files is set in the script itself. Take a look
at line 90 or so ...

* Set the polygon data files
if (type = 'L' | type = 'l')
   if (lowres); file = '/<your_path_here>/lpoly_lowres.asc'; endif
   if (mres)  ; file = '/<your_path_here>/lpoly_mres.asc'  ; endif
   if (hires) ; file = '/<your_path_here>/lpoly_hires.asc' ; endif
if (type = 'O' | type = 'o')
   if (lowres); file = '/<your_path_here>/opoly_lowres.asc'; endif
   if (mres)  ; file = '/<your_path_here>/opoly_mres.asc'  ; endif
   if (hires) ; file = '/<your_path_here>/opoly_hires.asc' ; endif

On May 15, 2007, at 12:03 PM, bernd.becker at METOFFICE.GOV.UK wrote:

> Hello,
> using basemap.gs I find no reference to another
> environment variable in Grads to tell basemap where to find the
> opoly_lowres.asc etc. coastlines.
> I stored opoly_lowres.asc etc in the main grads directory, together
> with
> fonts and lowres etc files.
> Basemap works fine when I run grads in that directory.
> How do I tell basemap where to look for the opoly_lowres.asc files?
> Many thanks,
> Bernd.
> --
> Bernd Becker   The Monthly Outlook
> Met Office  FitzRoy Road  Exeter   Devon EX1 3PB  United Kingdom
> Tel.: +44 (0) 1392 884511 Fax: +44 (0)870 900 5050
> E-mail:bernd.becker at metoffice.gov.uk -  http://www.metoffice.gov.uk

Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at cola.iges.org

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